I remember when Jeff first left I felt like I could barely breath. You go through all kinds of stages. I was numb, then mad, then so sad...
I felt like The Lord showed me its like a deep cut. At first it's really raw. Then after a while you start to get a scab on it. You begin to feel a little better at this point. Then something will happen, it could just be a passing memory, and the scab will get knocked off. Then the healing has to start all over again. That cut won't heal over night, will it? You have to take care of it. We have to guard it and doctor it. Then one day you'll notice it doesn't hurt quite so bad, and maybe you can even breath a little easier now when something touches it.
What I guess I'm trying to say is its gonna take some time. God will help us with this IF we will let Him.
I know from experience how bad it hurts. I just want to encourage you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You will breath again, you will laugh again, you will love again. You will always remember them and miss them. There will even come a day when the memories will make you smile...
Just hang on tight to God and let Him doctor that hurt and you'll make it, I promise!
Sure do love y'all! I'm so thankful for all of you who care to be a part of my life!
Psalm 138:8