Girlie (Michelle, Josh's girlfriend) and I left Saturday morning for Tyro. We were so excited about what we were feeling the Lord was up to. We talked and laughed for 7 hours non stop. We got to J's Corner Store about 3pm so jacked up on Jesus we could barely stand it. Halee (my baby girl) was there to greet us. She had gotten there the day before and had been helping Ms Jana set things up.
Everything was so perfect. So well thought out and prepared. I just love going where you are celebrated and not tolerated, LOL. There was a big red caboose, with an old metal trailed set it front of it and decorated western style. It even had red, white and blue across the front (my favorite ya know). The Lord provided the shade and a breeze. Whoooo Praise the Lord for that.
After some looking around at Ms Jana's wonderful store and some fun activities (bubble blowing contest, dummy roping, ponies rides and such) the concert started right about 7. I got to sing and share for about and hour. It was so much fun. I got to see several old friends and makes a bunch of new ones.
Halee, Girlie and I went to supper with Mr. Doug Collins after. Then back to the perfect little trailer to sleep..haha but not before some more laughing and talking and finally fallin out!!!!
Back up early and off to Skiatook with my Girlie and my Lil Cowgirl, Halee. I also got to actually meet Elizabeth Inman. We have been very close friends, more like sisters, for some time now thru face book. I feel like the Lord really showed up and showed out. Oh how I love singing about my Jesus.
We had lunch with our new family of friends and off to Gordon. Made it back home about 9 pm after 5 more hours of non stop talking and laughing...hahahaha
Long story short SIR YOU AMAZE ME!!! Sure do love y'all. Thank you all for loving me and supporting me in my dreams of serving HIM!!!
Psm 138:8
**Pictures courtesy of my Girlie**