My Daddy and Momma were really hard workers. As I look back I know now how they must have struggled to provide for my three siblings and I. I have two older sisters and a baby brother.
One thing I can say for sure, we didn't always match, but we were always clean and ironed. Momma even ironed Daddy's handkerchiefs.
I can remember in third grade I needed a new pair of shoes. Somebody gave them a pair of little boys dress shoes. Well...they fit me. I was just getting to that age to notice that kind of thing. You know how cruel other kids can be. I don't remember every complaining about to them though. I guess I was just happy to have shoes.
I always loved getting a sack full of hand me downs though, and I still do really. Not that I don't enjoy the blessing of the new ones God provides for me. I think I'm just now figuring out why I am the way I am.
I'm a little bit of a clothes hog and I LOVE shoes. As I was getting dressed this morning I was thinking about all this. I was pushing on those clothes as hard as I could to get them back to hang something up. MAN.... I'm blessed!!! I HAVE because I GIVE!! I'm not stingy one bit!! Never have been, pray I never will be.
I'm so grateful for all HE does to provide for me and mine.
Just thinking.... LoL
Y'all have a GREAT day too! BlessingS
Psalm 138:8