I have had three very influential men in my life. (Not counting the Lord) My Dadddy, Bro. Buddy Hazell and Mr. Tom Underhill. I have known Bro. Buddy since I was a young girl. He was my pastor and now I am very proud to claim him as my #2 Daddy. He and his wife, Lulu have been foster parents for almost as long as i have known theHe writes a weekly column for my home town news paper. I wanted to start sharing the column with y'all. I love my #2 Daddy's HEART!! Enjoy!!
There were three times he wept over Misty
Well, I am happy to be back. It is September, and still hot, but here in my office it is nice and cool. We are going to be slightly different this fall, but still dealing with "Memories, Tales and Special Events in my Life."
God blessed my wife and I with five beautiful daughters and two sons. This article is about our number three daughter, Misty. She came into our lives soon after she was born. Her mother came to our house one day looking for a babysitter. She had two little girls, one 3 years old and this lovely blue-eyed, blond-haired newborn baby.
A few weeks went by, and the mother began taking the 3-year-old with her and leaving the baby. This went by for several weeks, with her not picking up the baby for several days at a time. Soon the days turned into weeks and she never came around at all. One afternoon the mother came by to see the baby and I said, "Pam if you don't want this baby why don't you just give her to us?" She quickly replied, "You get the papers drawn up and I'll sign them." Lulu and I just looked at each other in amazement and I whispered to her, "I'll be back in a little while, I am going to see a lawyer." The lawyer drew up the papers and told me, "Get the mother in front of a Notary and have her sign them and get back to me." This I did, and soon the baby was ours. We had her name changed to Misty Lucille Hazell.
Shortly after the adoption was final, we were at our oldest son's house and Misty as asleep in a baby bed. I was standing there looking at her and tears began rolling down my face; Debbie, Gene's wife, walked over and asked, "Daddy, are you crying?" I answered, "What have I done for God to bless me with Misty?" This was the first time "I wept over Misty."
To make a long story short, Misty soon grew into a beautiful young child. She became my shadow, my footprints and my helper in everything I did. You could say she was a "Daddy's Girl."
When Misty was about 6 years old, she went to spend a couple of weeks with our oldest daughter and while she was gone, it seemed like my life was empty. It was during this time that I wrote this poem (My Little Girl):
Where did my little girl go?
She was here just a day or two ago.
Her body blooming like a rose;
Freckles dancing all over her nose.
Where has my little girl gone?
Without her, Daddy feels all alone.
Her glowing cheeks, her sparkling eyes,
The love we share can't be disguised.
Where is my little girl today?
Enjoying life, is what I pray.
Her zeal for laughter stirs my heart,
I hope we are not very long apart.
Where did my little girl go?
God, bring her back in a day or so.
She's my diamond, my gold, my ruby and pearl.
Oh God … how I miss My Little Girl.
It seemed that the years just flew by; Elementary School, Middle School and then High School and going to TVCC while she was a junior and senior in high school. I was so proud of My Little Girl.
Then one day wedding plans were made. Billy, her youngest brother walked her down the aisle, and Daddy performed the ceremony that made Josh and My Little Girl one flesh.
After the ceremony and reception, they got in their car to leave as husband and wife. When they started the engine and pulled away, Josh's dad and I embraced each other and once again, "I Wept Over Misty." My Little Girl left me again.
Josh had joined the Air Force after high school and after a couple of years he and Misty wound up in Northern Italy. After having three children, Misty's health began to fail, she had several major surgeries, and soon after they were transferred to Edwards Air Base. It was here that she became very ill, and on March 26, 2010 God called her home to be with Him.
For the third time, "I Wept Over Misty."
Love y'all!!
Psm 138:8