I have come to realize that if we are not blessed then we can't be a blessing. The Lord showed me a few years ago; if we never give anything out we become like the dead sea. The dead sea is dead because it takes and never gives. My hearts desire is to be a giver. To be able to help anytime I feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit to share. The Bible says to give and it shall be given pressed down shaken together and running over. With what ever measure you give, it will be measured back to you. I want to use a scoop shovel, LOL!! I believe you can't out give God. One of the most awesome feelings there is to me is to be able to help someone. I know the other side. The needing to be helped, I truly want to give it forward.
Don't be afraid to help.....and don't expect to be thanked...you can't out give HIM!!
Sure do love y'all!!
Psm 138:8